Writing • HealthCare • Collage

Writing evidence-based articles about healthcare, with the passion to connect with people and their ideas in this big wild world.

Tag: Open Science

Playing musical instruments can benefit older adults’ short-term memory and verbal reasoning ability 

A recently published study with a large cohort of older participants shows that playing instruments can benefit their short-term memory and verbal reasoning ability. Particularly, those who played keyboard, brass, or woodwind instruments benefited the most. Verbal reasoning is a person’s ability to understand and interpret what they are reading.  We have long heard about the […]

Multidomain trainings may improve cognitive flexibility of older adults 

At least 12 weeks of multidomain trainings focusing on balance, strength, and cognitive ability may improve older adults’ cognitive flexibility, according to a meta-analysis. The trainings also notably improved muscle strength of the elderly. Cognitive flexibility is individual’s ability to change their behavours and thinking when environment changes. Meta-analysis is a method used for combining and analyzing results […]

Probiotic Supplements Improved Cognitive Ability And Sleep Quality Of Elderly People With Mild Cognitive Impairment 

Using probiotic supplements for 12 weeks improved cognitive ability and sleep quality of Chinese patients with mild cognitive impairment, a randomized controlled trial shows. Randomized controlled trials prospectively study how effective an intervention or a drug is on patients with a certain disease. It is the gold standard for effectiveness studies.  People with mild cognitive impairment are […]

Gut Microbiome Changes in People with Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease 

People with preclinical Alzheimer’s disease have notably different gut microbiome features from those without the condition. The distinct gut microbiome features may help physicians detect preclinical Alzheimer’s early for individuals at risk. People with the preclinical condition have normal cognitive ability, while already show the biological evidence of Alzheimer’s in the brain, blood, or the […]

GFAP, a Strong Blood-based Biomarker, Predicted Alzheimer’s Disease at Least 10 Years Before Symptoms Appear

Researchers have found that by evaluating people’s blood levels of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), together with their cognitive test results and demographic information, they could predict Alzheimer’s disease at least 10 years before the diagnosis. The prediction was more accurate when they considered all these factors together, rather than considering the blood level of GFAP alone.  […]

Weakened bones in women and chest pain in men are the top predictors of Alzheimer’s disease, a machine learning model shows

Researchers developed a machine learning model trained on a large amount of electronic health record data for finding risk factors that can predict Alzheimer’s disease. Machine learning model is a computer program that can find patterns in or make predictions about previously unseen data, after people trained it with a set of data. They identified weakened […]